And I’m sick of your tattoos and the way you don’t appreciate Brand New….or Me.

March 13

Here we go. Music taste. Share it.

Favorite band: Brand New 

Favorite album: The Devil and God are raging inside me.

Favorite song: oooooh for this album. Tie between Degausser, Millstone, and Luca. (I have a hard time choosing). However, all time favorite song by them was from their second album Deja Entendu. Song: Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot. 

Have you seen them live: Three concerts. All three I went to them by myself. Enjoyed every second. (Yes I like to concert alone. Weirdo).

Favorite member of the band: I mean duh, Jesse. He’s so babely😍 

How much merch do you own: ha ALOT! 6-7 shirts. All their albums. Insane amount of random pictures and pins. 

Favorite lyrics: Too many.  I know a future tattoo I want is of their lyrics: you’re the smell before rain, you’re the blood in my veins.

Why do you love this band: Uuuuh cuz they are awesome. I have a hard time fathoming someone who has not heard them. Like you are simply not living lol. But in all seriousness, it’s one of those bands that has grown with me. From highschool days. Lying alone pregnant. Finding a first love. Heart ache. And moving on. 

It’s still evolving as much as it did from the start. I can hear a lyric I’ve heard multiple times and find it had new meaning. But most of all the passion Jesse puts into each note. I get it may not be all peoples taste in music, but it’s relatable for me. It makes me feel and that’s what and why I love it. 

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