March 6th

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent” E.R. 

Today, I went about my usual business and made my way into work. As soon as I walked in the door, I was greeted by unexpected chaos and fellow coworkers in an unpleasant and almost hostile mood. I did my best to continue to carry on my good attitude until one coworker made some rude comments about my physical appearance. I felt myself in utter shock of the comments and brushed it off at first. 
Later, I got to thinking. There’s a lot of things in life that don’t go our way. A bad day at work. Unexpected news. Misfortune. But because we are presented these troubles does it give us the right to pass our frustrations off on another person? To be rude or unkind?
As I think about what occurred, it was honestly the second time at my job were I was nearly brought to tears because of someone else’s unkind words. I chose not to respond rudely back (even though I really wanted to). I realize that there is no excuse for that individuals behavior but I can sympathize that maybe they were having a bad day and for some reason I was the unfortunate individual that got the brunt of it. 
Did I deserve it? Probably not. 
But I realize that persons opinion of me in that moment does not make me inferior to them. I have always shown kindness to them and I will continue to. I am glad now I did not respond in the unkind words that I wanted. I know that regardless of the situation, I’m going to take the higher road and be true to myself. 
Sidenote: check out my spirit animal sassy pants. Deer me they give me warm fuzzies☺️💕 

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